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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> C >> Cardinals > Winter Color 2-23-24
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23-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Winter Color 2-23-24

Cardinals tend to spend their entire life within half a mile of where they were born.
Lucky us to have these beautiful birds year-round!!!

Nikon COOLPIX P950
1/500s f/5.6 at 152.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nick Paoni18-Aug-2024 00:50
Love the pose, light and of course her bright eye.
Hank Vander Velde18-Aug-2024 00:45
Nice shot of this pretty male LIZ.
Tom Munson17-Aug-2024 16:23
Wish we had this colorful bird in our area. Nice shot.
Helen Betts17-Aug-2024 12:36
Great shot of this beauty, in marvelous light.
Tom Beech17-Aug-2024 11:55
Indeed we are, including all birds for all seasons