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27-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

57°F Change!!! 2-27-24

in just 8 hours

77°F at 4 PM
Then, a cold front blew in to drop the temperature to
20°F at 11 PM.


The groundhog was contently grazing on grass in the warm sunshine at 4 PM.
It was snowing at 11 PM.


Temperatures are expected to continue to drop & go into just the single digits Fahrenheit overnight producing almost a 70 degree change in temperature in less than 24 hours.

Then, in another 2 days, it's supposed to go back into the mid to high 70's & be unseasonably warm once again. Today and yesterday were all time highs for the dates. In fact, the past 2 weeks have been more like May than like February. We've had the air conditioner on. Tonight is back to heat. Next week may be A/C again.

The weather is really crazy this year.


samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/40s f/1.7 at 6.3mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bryan Murahashi29-Feb-2024 04:30
Nice capture of the amazing change in weather.
waterfalls man28-Feb-2024 10:25
Nice Shot V.
We had a warm Feb. Last year we had a warm Feb.& March was cold & we had up frost to 20 April.