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11-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Chiefs Win Super Bowl 2-11-24

As Some of Their Littlest Fans Watch On

The Kansas City Chiefs went into the game ONCE AGAIN as the "Underdogs". This was the same for them with each and every game that they played in the Playoffs. Now, with this holy grail of football games, they (the "underdogs") came out of the game with their third Super Bowl win in 5 years, which was also a back-to-back Super Bowl win. I wonder why people felt every time that the "other team" (whichever team that has been) always had "better odds" of winning than the Chiefs.

The haters can now hate the Chiefs even more.
Such hatred seems to be a weird phenomenon
that comes when people don't like seeing others repeatedly do well.

Meanwhile, Chiefs Kingdom (all sizes, all sexes, all colors, all religions, all ages & so on) are absolutely elated. The local news has been bursting with happy stories about people in Chiefs Kingdom being brought together. A feeling of comradery and community spirit is the real story here; even more so than a team winning a football game. People have been putting their differences aside and are coming together with joy and goodwill. We need more of this for the entire world in general and all year round.

Don't ask me why, but many local schools are giving their students off on Monday to continue the Super Bowl win celebration. Schools will also be closed once again regionwide on Wednesday to give all a chance to attend Kansas City's Super Bowl parade.

For more about the game:

It was a nail biter with two great teams competing. It even went into overtime for only the second time in Super Bowl history. What a game!!!

We had a really good time at our house. Win or lose, it was family time.
However, I will confess that having the hometown team win has been very sweet.
I think part of the sweetness is because goodwill and comradery with others can continue on for a bit longer.
The entire Metro is alive with pride. It shares a bond. This is a city with little town feelings.


P.S. No treats or coaxing at all were used to get the above photo. No formal posing.

The dogs merely did their own thing after I laid one of my coats on the floor. As soon as they saw me with a camera, they automatically knew where to go for me to take about a dozen quickie shots. The game was starting. I had planned to do more. But I with everything else going on, I forgot about doing doggy photography until it was really too late to bother. I'm happy to have gotten the few memory shots I did. Nice day. Bella looks like she's grinning. The dogs had fun, too.

Canon EOS R6 ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/500s f/6.3 at 40.0mm iso12800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nick Paoni15-Feb-2024 22:07
Perhaps a dynasty in the making.
Carl Carbone14-Feb-2024 02:28
I think a lot of the hate comes from the incessantly nauseating praise from the broadcasters. Obviously KC is a great team. Funny thing is I like Mahomes and Maauto, just not on the field.
larose forest photos14-Feb-2024 00:59
looks like they had a grand time!! V
waterfalls man14-Feb-2024 00:29
Mairéad13-Feb-2024 20:50
A lovely family portrait of these wee fans.
Helen Betts13-Feb-2024 18:37
Such a charming picture of your willing models, and congratulations on the win (even though I was rooting for the 49ers ;-)).
PauloCGama13-Feb-2024 15:07
Fantastic expressions!!
Hank Vander Velde13-Feb-2024 13:59
Good close game, nice win, Glad the little ones enjoyed it too and took out time to pose.
Bryan Murahashi13-Feb-2024 05:04
They look happy!
joseantonio13-Feb-2024 04:19
Congratulations for the win.V