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04-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

A Super Bowl Parade 2-04-24

I decided to have some photo art fun with one of the photos I took today.
The day was a bit cooler than the past couple have been, plus very grey & overcast. However, with all the red everywhere, it was a bright and happy day.

This “parade” was a Super Bowl sendoff (and warm wishes no matter what happens in Vegas) for Chief’s player Willie Gay. Friends and neighbors got together (as seen above) to show their support as Willie left on his way to the airport and to the Super Bowl.

When I checked to see if this Willie Gay’s sendoff had made the local news, I found another Super Bowl sendoff also happening today in a different part of the city for Chiefs’ Rashee Rice." Children and adults in their neighborhoods lined their streets with posters and rang bells as Gay and Rice each departed for the Vegas trip. This is not uncommon for Chiefs Kingdom.

Chiefs TE Noah Gray also got a separate warm sendoff to the Super Bowl:

Chiefs Kingdom is proud of its players! There was a lot of hometown pride happening today… These guys are part of the local community. No matter what happens in the Super Bowl, they’ll come home and continue to be just as much loved.

Who cares about the haters? Today - with just everyday average people - was fun. Members of the Chiefs' team have brought people together with a feeling of community & joy.

Canon EOS R6 ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/60s f/8.0 at 32.0mm iso1250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Beech12-Feb-2024 13:53
Guess it worked !
Nick Paoni05-Feb-2024 18:10
Cool shot. The excitement over the game will be building all week.
joseantonio05-Feb-2024 09:00
A very nice capture of this mood.V