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Another Day in History 8-24-23

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Concerning the above "Mug Shot", it has since been revealed that the expression was planned and rehearsed before the event. Who would have thought???

This photo now can be found on "Trump" merchandise for sale by the Trump PAC or organization or whatever. So, I suppose this "mug shot" is a badge of honor for him. He uploaded it himself on-line to fund raise for his next run for President. This all has been a big boost in his popularity.

When asked what he thought about Trump's photo, President Biden replied, "Handsome guy. Wonderful guy."

IMO, we are living in some strange times. It's all beyond my understanding.

samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
1/51s f/1.7 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

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Carl Carbone01-Sep-2023 16:21
I can see how some might think he might have been good for the country on first run, but now? Please. I don't necessarily think Biden is the best we can offer either, but at least he has presidential decorum.
Tom Beech30-Aug-2023 16:29
Hard to believe this mug shot actually earned him over 7 million dollars in contributions so far. and there are STILL so many like the "Private" post below.
He's going down, just have to wait it out for the trial.
larose forest photos28-Aug-2023 19:15
Your last comment about living in strange times is right on! This is someone people look up to???
Private27-Aug-2023 20:10
We need him back to get our country back on track. Biden has destroyed it.
Don27-Aug-2023 07:02
He looks even more evil in this photo than normal, if that is possible.
Dan Greenberg26-Aug-2023 15:32
I'm waiting for the one to come out with him in an orange suit and bars in front before I buy anything. :)
joseantonio25-Aug-2023 08:17
and not the best part of your interesting history.