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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Themes: Multiple Galleries >> Everything: Multiple Galleries >> S >> Sunset > Country Road Sunset
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07-Nov-2014 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Country Road Sunset

Enough of a "roadside distraction" for me to pull off the road and grab my Cell Phone Cam. The sunset was almost gone by the time I found a safe place to stop for a photo. This image was taken over 7 ½ years ago. Because my Cell Cam was ancient (ie, little ability to handle noise at night), IQ was not what-I-would-have- preferred. However, the main point with memory photos like this is to capture, and then later remember, a moment-in-time. Sometimes, IQ can be sacrificed for the bigger goal. Although fairly mundane, I still remember this moment-in-time exceptionally well... I remember it as if it was only yesterday.

1/15s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Jul-2022 09:35
dramatic photo with those car lights V
Dennis Hoyne23-Jul-2022 02:41
A fine country evening scene!
LynnH23-Jul-2022 02:23
Having done this myself, I understand everything you just said. :)
joseantonio21-Jul-2022 06:39
nice capture of this beautiful sky.V.