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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> Galleries of Life: Multiple Galleries >> Events: Multiple Galleries >> American History in the 2020's > January 6, 2021
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January 6, 2021

Chaos and Danger

At least 5 people were killed during the attempted coup; including police who were defending both the Capitol Building and US Congress members. Many, many more individuals were injured. Insanity ruled.

The Capital Police helped members of Congress get to safety before the will of the frenzied mob could harm them.

samsung SM-G965U
1/60s f/2.4 at 4.3mm iso320 full exif

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larose forest photos10-Jan-2021 20:28
It is such a shocking event, the aftereffects will be felt for a long, long time.
joseantonio10-Jan-2021 19:17
sad images but nice document.V