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07-Nov-2020 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Hope!!! 11-07-20

The American people have voted a new president into office. There is now some hope for the future!!! We definitely need hope.

“’I pledge to be a president who does not seek to divide, but unify, who doesn’t see red states and blue states, but only sees the United States,’ Mr. Biden said at a drive-in rally in his hometown of Wilmington, Del.”

Saturday US COVID News

“'It's a slaughter,' doctors say of new coronavirus wave. ‘And we aren’t even really in the thick of it yet.’ That will likely come in January and February, the depths of winter.

“Without quite saying so, the Trump White House has adopted the herd immunity approach favored by Dr. Scott Atlas, the Stanford neuroradiologist who became Trump’s coronavirus whisperer in late summer, after a series of appearances on Fox News. That strategy posits that absent a vaccine or effective therapeutics, it is best to let the virus burn through the population,” Yahoo News

“New US Covid-19 deaths have topped 1,000 for four straight days as infections soar” CNN

“Multiple Trump White House staffers test positive for coronavirus. The news comes a day after officials confirmed that White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tested positive for the coronavirus, emerging as the latest high-ranking White House staffer to test positive for the highly-contagious virus. He was seen at President Trump’s campaign headquarters on Tuesday afternoon without a mask on.” The Hill

“Joe Biden has won the presidency, toppling Donald Trump after four years of upheaval in the White House.” Politico “As the virus rages, President-elect Biden plans to announce his Covid-19 task force on Monday.” New York Times
Biden’s current Coronavirus plan: Unlike the current president, the new president elect has always cared about the welfare of the American people.

Unfortunately, this virus can’t be defeated without some help from the American people themselves, too. Wear a mask! Social distance! Wash your hands! Stay home if ill. Test! Cooperate with contact tracing. Think of others and not only yourself.

Although change-for-the-best is on the horizon, we all still have to get through the next 74 days of this Trump Presidency; a presidency that is allowing the virus to spread out of control. Considering how COVID is now ravishing the United States, seventy four days can be a long time; with far too many unnecessary coronavirus deaths. Our new president (on January 20, 2021) will have a lot of hard work ahead of him to try to get America back on the right track again. But we can all rest assured that he will try his best. His presidency will be about "us"; not just about him.


Although I took other photos today, my photo for this gallery today is a Cell Phone shot of the TV screen tonight. Joe Biden’s speech was positively inspiring and offered so much hope. It was history in the making. Dignity is finally returning to the USA!!! A leader, who sincerely cares about those he leads, is again in America’s near future. Dealing with COVID and protecting American lives will be one of his top priorities. Hopefully, all Americans will work together with him.

samsung SM-G965U
1/50s f/1.5 at 4.3mm iso125 full exif

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Mairéad09-Nov-2020 19:34
A result that was celebrated here in Ireland as Joe's ancestors came from Co Louth and Co Mayo.
laine08-Nov-2020 22:43
A time for hope, Liz...good over evil always wins in the end. !!
Nick Paoni08-Nov-2020 20:09
Yesterday was a good day in politics and another bad day for Covid for sure.
Don Mottershead08-Nov-2020 17:53
Wonderful speeches from both Joe and Kamala. I wish it was January 20th already.
larose forest photos08-Nov-2020 16:20
This is the day the world has been waiting for. Congratulations on this return to hope. V
danad08-Nov-2020 16:02
All my best wishes for this new era.
John Reynolds LRPS08-Nov-2020 15:19
Just need the present incumbent to accept the result!
Tom Beech08-Nov-2020 12:46
8-) Hope for the future, we all need to pull together now
Range View 08-Nov-2020 11:43
Liz we wish you well in your fight against covid-19, at least you now have a chance to fight this dreaded virus with the help of a new government that cares about life.

It is now also up to the people of your country.

The following rules have now returned our country to some normality.

Wear a mask! Social distance! Wash your hands! Stay home if ill. Test! Cooperate with contact tracing. Think of others and not only yourself.

Our very best regards.

David & Barbara.

joseantonio08-Nov-2020 08:09
hope everything will be better for your country from now on....