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26-Mar-2020 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Coronavirus (3-26-20)

Current Stats differ: even as the President of the United States speaks live.
He is reporting "old news".
The United States is no longer #2.

The United States is now #1 for MOST CORONAVIRUS cases in the world.

United States Coronavirus Cases: 85,594
US Deaths: 1,300 and growing

China Coronavirus Cases: 81,340
The spread of the virus has accelerated for the USA; with the country not yet being even close to the peak. Testing still remains limited. If US citizens are not yet concerned, they should be. Trump is still talking about "opening some of the country" anyhow; with that goal being before Easter 16 days from now. It rather seems like someone is out of touch with the reality of how bad this pandemic is.

Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FZ300
1/80s f/8.0 at 25.2mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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globalgadabout20-Apr-2020 01:05
we should be kind to this man...after all, he lives in a fantasy world, and is too busy generating fake news to pay attention to boring stuff like science and facts..
Martin Lamoon27-Mar-2020 21:15
Certainly terrifying times
Nick Paoni27-Mar-2020 20:07
As a rule I try to keep politics and art separate, but I have had enough of his lies and campaign of misinformation and self aggrandizing. As a Ph.D. level scientist I find his ignorance and disdain for science appalling in general, but in this instance it may cause a significant loss of life. Fortunately he does not have the constitutional authority to lift the Stay-At-Home orders put in place by our Governors. The election can't come soon enough for me.
Tom Briggs27-Mar-2020 20:05
Color him delusional ...................and dangerous
danad27-Mar-2020 10:56
A dramatic situation for a lot of countries (and in the next future almost for ALL the countries !). It is still more dramatic when the leaders are inconsequent !
Take care : stay at home.
joseantonio27-Mar-2020 05:28
politicians seem to be living in other world
Dan Greenberg27-Mar-2020 01:47
It shows yet again how tone deaf he is and how his utter lack of knowledge and his unwillingness to listen to people who have it is hurting everyone.
Don Mottershead27-Mar-2020 00:00
Out of touch with reality in general, it seems to me.
Dave Berry26-Mar-2020 22:08
Many of our states still don't think that it poses a threat and have not taken strong precautionary measures.