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14-NOV-2016 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

"Beaver" Super Moon 2016

Appearing up to 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than an average full moon, as noted by, November's supermoon could very well be a once-in-a-lifetime event for many.

The moon is at the closest to Earth it has been since 1948. At its closest point the moon will be only 221,524 miles from Earth, according to NASA.

That makes it the most "super" of moons — at least so far this century. The next Super Moon this close to the Earth will not be until 2034.
This photo was taken one hour before the peak full moon; which occurred here just after dawn and when the moon was below the horizon.
Colors are what was seen with the naked eye.

The red tinge to the moon was very brief: as was the dawn Blue Hour.
These colors happened for only a minute or so as the moon set in the West & the sun quickly rose in the East. There is some color fringing around the moon. That was "as shot", but I have no known explanation for the effect.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bryan Murahashi15-Nov-2016 05:35
Beautiful capture of this red moon setting.