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Creatures from the Blue Lagoon

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I am uncertain what these creatures are.

Because they were in the marsh with the frogs, I originally thought they were Bull Frog Tadpoles and/or bloated dead frogs. But then, some of the dead looking ones used their own power to move on. Eeeeeeek! Plus - around 2 feet in length - they seemed far too large to be tadpools.

Perhaps they are some sort of salamander in with the frogs. Healthy? Diseased? Normal? Not normal? Although some seemed dead, many moved under their own power & proved to be very much alive. Because I was able to shoot only a few of more than the 50 of them, I am unable to share the full scope of what was happening on the marsh that day. But it was definitely different from anything I've ever seen before.

The more I looked at them, the more alien they seemed. These creatures kind of resemble something from a Sci Fi movie where the swamp produces mutations from radioactive water.

If you think you might know what they are, drop me a line.

Scroll down to see the photographs.
Swamp Creatures
Swamp Creatures
Alive?  Dead?  Morphing?
Alive? Dead? Morphing?
Closer to the Muddy Shore
Closer to the Muddy Shore
Frog sitting on one of the Creatures
Frog sitting on one of the Creatures
Reptile, Amphibian, Other?
Reptile, Amphibian, Other?
Swamp Creatures Among the Frogs
Swamp Creatures Among the Frogs
Frog-like Body
Frog-like Body
Creatures from the Blue Lagoon
Creatures from the Blue Lagoon