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Brian Klimowski | profile | all galleries >> Those Other Special Galleries... >> Breezing Through Canyon Country With My New 10D tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Breezing Through Canyon Country With My New 10D

Took a brief trip through northern Arizona and southern Utah with my new 10D, and snapped a few along the way. Here's a couple of the keepers from the bunch...I was surprised to see how many of these were more intimate, simplified compositions. And yes, there's another obligatory "solitary tree near rock wall" picture...
The Gargoyle (Zion)
The Gargoyle (Zion)
In Hidden Canyon (Zion N.P)
In Hidden Canyon (Zion N.P)
Shadowy Canyon in Bryce 1
Shadowy Canyon in Bryce 1
Sunset Panorama, East Zion
Sunset Panorama, East Zion
Sunrise at Navajo Point (GCN)
Sunrise at Navajo Point (GCN)
Pine Detail - East Zion
Pine Detail - East Zion
Little Colorado Overlook
Little Colorado Overlook
Thin Pine
Thin Pine
Sunrise at Desert View (GCN)
Sunrise at Desert View (GCN)
Shadowy Canyon in Bryce 2
Shadowy Canyon in Bryce 2