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Brian Collins Art | profile | all galleries >> projects >> stark tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map
This collection is designed to showcase the midwest part of the united states as it sometimes is in winter. I have no desire to gloss over what is a part of life. In fact, I would rather celebrate it. There is a bit a pride that goes along with these images. To those who stay on and plow it back in I salute you!!

For best results put on any number of artists like Steve Earle, Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska album, Uncle Tupelo (see March 16-20 1992 album in particular), Whiskeytown or perhaps eastmountainsouth....really just about anything in the minor key should do, then click the slideshow button. Results may vary.
stark         a special gallery where you are and where you have been still standing proud winter's pause a sentinel in the trees
wearing your pride adriannnn!! american made still on display farm in charcoal DSC_6238b-40.jpg
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