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Brian Collins Art | profile | all galleries >> projects >> square_flowers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
These images were taken throughout 2010. They represent a small sampling of my favorite flower photos from this year. This gallery is in chronological order so that you can get a sense of the seasonal order that these flowers follow. They are taken from various locations around three Midwestern states. (Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota)
Fleabane Fleabane g1/44/611644/3/129038414.x51W9RX6.jpg g1/44/611644/3/129038411.BgQdfE34.jpg g1/44/611644/3/129038409.IV6Qfs2Z.jpg
Tradescantia Clover Dandelion Rose Tradescantia
Daisy Daisy Daisy Iris rainy Daisy
Daisy Daisy Iris Bachelor Button Dianthus
g1/44/611644/3/128897353.UNPbtcAd.jpg g1/44/611644/3/128897352.GSmefiSP.jpg Petunia Bachelor Button Bachelor Button
Bachelor Button Allium Dianthus g1/44/611644/3/128663890.lfZAXcW7.jpg g1/44/611644/3/128663889.KIOUo4VP.jpg
Columbine Allium Dandelion Dandelion Dandelion
Aster Aster Aster Aster g1/44/611644/3/128619695.kE5BzQoH.jpg
Allium Anenome Anenome g1/44/611644/3/128619691.pcNdTHz0.jpg Anenome
Allium g1/44/611644/3/128227342.dIeRKqK7.jpg Allium Space Allium Tulip
Tulip Tulip Tulip Grape Hyacinth g1/44/611644/3/127860219.JZ59Yidn.jpg
Red Bud Tulip again Tulip Tulip Grape Hyacinth
Grape Hyacinth Tulip Tulip Forsythia Daffodil
g1/44/611644/3/127167779.pRthep27.jpg Daffodil Siberian Squill Siberian Squill Crocus
unknown Crocus Crocus Crocus Crocus
Crocus Crocus Crocus Crocus Tulip vs Snow
defiance scouting the tundra Tulip Tulip black_and_white
:: black_and_white ::
:: maplethorped ::