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Brian's Recent Galleries

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12-Aug-2012 12:00
A short trip to Skye
:: A short trip to Skye  ::
21-Jul-2012 14:02
Ellenabeich is a small village some 10 mile south of Oban Scotland
:: Ellenabeich is a small village some 10 mile south of Oban Scotland ::
15-Jun-2012 14:23
A Week In The Sun Sailing In The Eastern Med Egypt, Israel, Cyprus,& Turkey
:: A Week In The Sun Sailing In The Eastern Med Egypt, Israel, Cyprus,& Turkey ::
02-Mar-2012 12:21
:: MY CAT ::
25-Aug-2011 16:18
Some Macro Shots
:: Some Macro Shots ::
25-Aug-2011 15:11
Wild Life / Animals
:: Wild Life / Animals ::
21-Aug-2011 10:30
Plants And Flowers
:: Plants And Flowers ::
02-Aug-2011 14:19
Cruising in Alaska on the MV Volendam
:: Cruising in Alaska on the MV Volendam ::
02-Aug-2011 13:09
Glacier Bay Alaska
:: Glacier Bay Alaska ::
30-Jul-2011 12:53
                                                                             From Calgary to Vancouver
::  From Calgary to Vancouver ::
28-Jul-2011 09:35
Some Odd Shots
:: Some Odd Shots ::
22-Jul-2011 12:37
A Short Walk In Ketchikan Alaska
:: A Short Walk In Ketchikan Alaska ::