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Lieve Snellings01-Oct-2010 01:39
ths sky in fire... wonderful Brian ! V
bill friedlander09-Sep-2010 18:51
Fantastic colors in this sunset. a beautiful image Brian. V
Guest 20-Jun-2010 16:36
One wild looking sky
Jean D01-Jun-2010 20:42
Superbly captured, Brian! ~V
Peter Stahl14-Jan-2010 18:59
A beauty!!! ~
Johnny Rasmussen12-Jan-2010 17:15
Colorful sunset, Brian.
J. Scott Coile11-Jan-2010 19:03
Magnificent flaming atmosphere!
Bryan Murahashi10-Jan-2010 05:22
Beautiful colors and textures.
pkocinski10-Jan-2010 00:31
I love the sky when it looks like this. Nicely done!
Guest 09-Jan-2010 21:17
Beautiful image, Brian. The color in the sky is awesome. Well done. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)09-Jan-2010 19:39
Gorgeous sky Brian, looks like we all got the treatment on this morning...
Walter Otto Koenig09-Jan-2010 17:41
Awesome colors and textures in this beautiful sunset.