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Brian Griffiths | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 'Rust Never Sleeps' tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

'Rust Never Sleeps'

In the South Wales of my childhood, 1950-something, there was a tradition of building sheds and garages with corrugated iron sheets - they rusted like heck, but I grew up with them.
Tin sheds - You can't buy them now - everything is plastic or paint-coated box profile - no character to that.
This is the start of my memories of the 'Tin Sheds' of my childhood that still exist today.
They won't last forever.
MORE TO COME if my wife let's me - she thinks I'm a bit sad!!!!
Oops! Just got a bit sadder and started including rusty things too and remembering my older youth - Neil Young & Crazy Horse.
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Rails and Chains.jpg
Rails and Chains.jpg
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