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Jan-Michael Breider | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds Older -2011 > Redstart (Samamisicus) with "living food" - Armenia
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Redstart (Samamisicus) with "living food" - Armenia

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Petras Abromavicius19-Oct-2008 17:37
Never ever seen such contrasti bird in nature.I think that is no reason to make birds unnatural.
Guest 14-Jul-2007 17:53
Struggling to put our name & e-mail address in the required boxes.
We would like to know how the redstart got it`s name. We know that `staart` is Dutch for tail, & notice that the name, Jan-Michael Breider, is, quite possibly a Dutch name, so could possibly give us an answer.
Frank (English but lived in N.L. for some time)
Marga (Amsterdam geboren, & English/Dutch speaking)
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