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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Striking in Red tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Striking in Red

This is just a photographic reportage.
These pictures show a protest this morning,25 Jun 2010,in Bologna,Italy.
They can understand the sense of unease and anger of the populations
due to loss of jobs,labored in this time of economic crisis worldwide.
Trade unionists are talking
Trade unionists are talking
Red discussions
Red discussions
Red flags and people
Red flags and people
The sitting red trio
The sitting red trio
Red flag and young lady in black
Red flag and young lady in black
The drummer
The drummer
Hot sun
Hot sun
Let's go forward
Let's go forward
Sorry:no strike today...
Sorry:no strike today...
Smoking area
Smoking area
People in strike
People in strike
Waving flags
Waving flags
Canon's man
Canon's man
Happy tourist
Happy tourist
The red head
The red head
On this day all feel the duty to participate in protest...
On this day all feel the duty to participate in protest...
Let me drink!
Let me drink!
All togheter
All togheter
Fast forward
Fast forward
Red and specular
Red and specular
My protest !!!
My protest !!!
Always connected, even during the strike !!!
Always connected, even during the strike !!!
A medieval city. A corner of history. A moment of life,today ...
A medieval city. A corner of history. A moment of life,today ...
The Red perspective
The Red perspective
Hopes of a better life...tomorrow
Hopes of a better life...tomorrow
The light after the dark
The light after the dark
Young woman in red
Young woman in red
She has lost their jobs
She has lost their jobs
An employee of the assembly Fiat cars
An employee of the assembly Fiat cars
A peaceful demonstration...
A peaceful demonstration...
The Neptune observe the people who lost their home
The Neptune observe the people who lost their home
These guys are involved in the organization and security
These guys are involved in the organization and security
A phone call and protest signs
A phone call and protest signs
These tourists make their Ooooola and participate in the demonstration
These tourists make their "Ooooola" and participate in the demonstration
Red flags and Red people
Red flags and Red people
I have my flag and you?  :)
I have my flag and you? :)
I handling my bike across the strike. I have a black dress,but very nice RED underwear !!!  :)
I handling my bike across the strike. I have a black dress,but very nice RED underwear !!! :)
At the end of the event:The Day After
At the end of the event:"The Day After"
The retired association flag
The retired association flag
Please sign here
Please sign here
Two blondes on strike ... Both sides of the strike.
Two blondes on strike ... Both sides of the strike.
Walking in the strike
Walking in the strike
Art and politics together
Art and politics together
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