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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> "Hot Road" © > Love vintage cameras
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Jun-2021 Paolo Peggi

Love vintage cameras

A cheap aluminium-bodied camera made in Italy in the 1950s, the Bencini Koroll 24s takes 30x45mm pictures on 120 rollfilm.
Click on "Original size"

Nikon D3S ,Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G
1/80s f/1.8 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Norbert Uhlhaas28-Jun-2023 11:09
very fine creative work. V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte29-Nov-2021 18:27
big smile,
Co van der Wardt06-Sep-2021 09:43
Ken Zaret02-Aug-2021 02:19
I have never before been jealous of a camera...
Zoltán Balogh27-Jul-2021 17:57
This is very creative... V
GaleriaFotoStefan14-Jul-2021 04:05
That is very cool! Excellent capture. V
SLC_Images13-Jul-2021 17:32
I bet the Bencini Koroll has never been used in such a way...VT!
francoisconstantin12-Jul-2021 21:42
That creativity and art!!! VVVV
Nestor Derkach12-Jul-2021 15:18
A nice use of the vintage 1950s camera bet it still works.
Nice pose with the camera she could be a photographer and a model.
David Buzzeo11-Jul-2021 21:40
Excellent use of depth of field and I love the soft finish. V
Apostolos Tikopoulos11-Jul-2021 18:12
So beautiful and creative work. V.
Carl Carbone11-Jul-2021 15:42
Shooting from the, er ... hip!
Dennis Hoyne11-Jul-2021 01:05
Some great advertising!
Neil Marcus10-Jul-2021 23:23
I gotta laugh. Good fun, Paolo
J Ponces10-Jul-2021 22:47
Very hot camera! V
Pierre Martin10-Jul-2021 22:38
beautiful realisation and creativity!
Tom Munson10-Jul-2021 22:01
WOW, Paolo.
Fabienne10-Jul-2021 21:58
Original et très bien réalisé.
Raymond10-Jul-2021 21:56
Very creative Paolo
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