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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> "My first secretary..." © > Jessica
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19-APR-2016 © Paolo Peggi


As usual it's best viewed in original size

Nikon D3S ,Nikkor AF-S 50mm f/1.4G
1/250s f/1.4 at 50.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stefan Filla27-May-2016 19:16
Exactly my taste just wonderful the secretary Jessica. ~VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV~
Sam Rua03-May-2016 05:20
Just gorgeous. Nice capture of this beauty.
silverghost195101-May-2016 12:44
voted: With Jessica in the office, I might consider delaying retirement.
BAS Photography29-Apr-2016 23:28
Brilliant portrait! ~V~
lucanton26-Apr-2016 17:50
un charmant sourire! V
victorswan26-Apr-2016 11:36
Neil Marcus25-Apr-2016 13:16
A casual smile and a relaxed beauty. "vVv".
victorswan25-Apr-2016 12:18
a great portrait Beautiful lighting beautiful face and her glasses is fantastic giving the eyes something special you are the master of this kind of work Paolo BV+++
Doc24-Apr-2016 17:14
Beautiful photos! Doc
Jeff Real24-Apr-2016 12:50
I agree...elegant is the best description
And very beautiful
Zoltán Balogh24-Apr-2016 12:34
How elegant and well-captured! V
Pierre24-Apr-2016 12:00
Un portrait magnifique et un regard incroyable! V
Graeme24-Apr-2016 11:50
Gorgeous eyes and pose.BV
Alexander Kazakov24-Apr-2016 10:47
Beautiful! V
Yvonne24-Apr-2016 09:26
Beautifully captured Paolo.. v
Ton T.24-Apr-2016 09:04
Fantastic in all ways Paolo! V+
danad24-Apr-2016 07:39
Great portrait of this beautiful girl ! V.
Gary Retterbush24-Apr-2016 06:59
Wonderful portrait of this beautiful young woman!
Gerard Koehl24-Apr-2016 06:08
Superbe portrait. V
MarcViskens24-Apr-2016 05:15
Excellent shot
Very pretty look of this beautiful woman
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