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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> U.S. WEST COAST : LIFE IS GOOD! (©) > On the road again
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13-JUN-2009 ©

On the road again

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From Oakhurst to Yosemite National Park, US Highway 41

Canon PowerShot G9
1/800s f/4.0 at 10.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
blizzard12-Oct-2012 01:58
color detail composition all 1st class
heather 07-Jan-2010 13:48
Love the contrast in colours with that ominous dark sky. Great shot Paolo! V
Ali Majdfar06-Jan-2010 06:05
Fabulous scene, great. ~V
Kuriacose Joseph06-Jan-2010 02:56
Beautiful shot with great lighting.
Stephanie06-Jan-2010 00:30
This does look like a painting. V. Such a bright and lively image. :^)
Gill Kopy05-Jan-2010 23:34
I like the composition of this shot - the thumbnail looked like an oil painting V
Hank Vander Velde05-Jan-2010 23:10
Very nice scene, well captured.
Guest 05-Jan-2010 22:05
Beautiful! V
Wim Ensie05-Jan-2010 21:55
the good wheather is coming, fresh picture.
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