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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro) | all galleries >> Galleries >> U.S. WEST COAST : LIFE IS GOOD! (©) > The Life @ Fisherman's Wharf : Alcatraz ,People and Boats
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11-JUN-2009 ©

The Life @ Fisherman's Wharf : Alcatraz ,People and Boats

Canon PowerShot G9
1/500s f/4.8 at 44.4mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
christer25-May-2012 17:52
Very cool nice piceture.
Nestor Derkach18-Nov-2010 18:30
Nice image , like your thought on composition.
Brandon Mardon11-Jun-2010 22:18
How did that work? Do you have a complete image of the craft? Now this should be your daily ride! "Sunset Hunter"
patou29-Dec-2009 18:30
Superbes lignes et couleurs ! exellente prise ( v )
zyziza29-Dec-2009 18:28
peoples, boats and.... fugitive!
ac29-Dec-2009 18:05
Was a beautiful place, from outside !
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