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Bernard Rome | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hérons,aigrettes, loutres et cormorans- Herons, egrets, otters and cormorants tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hérons,aigrettes, loutres et cormorans- Herons, egrets, otters and cormorants

Photographies: Bernard Rome

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Héron cendré- Grey heron
Héron cendré- Grey heron
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Héron cendré- grey heron
Héron cendré- grey heron
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Héron et cormoran-heron and cormorans
Héron et cormoran-heron and cormorans
Héron et cormoran-heron and cormorans
Héron et cormoran-heron and cormorans
Grandes Aigrettes- great white egrets
Grandes Aigrettes- great white egrets
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Grande aigrette- great white egret
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter
Loutre- Otter