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Special Locations of Great Importance

For a place where great turmoil has occurred, bringing peace and returning beauty to the location is a fitting gift to those who were affected by the tragic events. When designing a memorial, the designer normally is not only looking to educate those who will come to visit, but also creating a peace of mind for those affected.

In the middle of the growing Oklahoma City, a memorial brings a needed sense of peace to a site that affects hundreds, if not thousands, of people to this day. This beautifully designed memorial not only honors those people lost to the explosion that leveled the Murrah building, but all those that worked hard to rescue them and hundreds of others trapped in the debris. One visiting the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial can not help but find themselves deeply affected each time they visit, whether it is their first visit or their hundredth.

These photos attempt to capture the beauty that has been returned to this tragic place. As the Gallery grows of the Memorial, the photos will attempt to capture the Oklahoma City Memorial as the seasons change around it.
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