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Ghislaine et Réal Boulet | all galleries >> Oiseaux - Birds >> Oiseaux - B >> Bécasseau semipalmé (Semipalmated Sandpiper) > Bécasseau semipalmé (Semipalmated Sandpiper)
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Bécasseau semipalmé (Semipalmated Sandpiper)


other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Murahashi09-Sep-2024 03:42
Wonderful photo of these shorebirds.
Pierre08-Sep-2024 15:13
Ces beaux visiteurs nous reviennent tranquillement, une jolie photo de ce trio! V
Hank Vander Velde07-Sep-2024 23:42
Nice to see the shore-birds back. Good shot Ghislaine.
joseantonio07-Sep-2024 18:20
well seen and captured.V.