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Bostjan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Venice Carnival 2013 > Nadine
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Nikon D800 ,AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.4G ED
1/60s f/1.4 at 24.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
danad16-Feb-2013 17:15
You have well captured the morning atmosphere of carnival time. V.
Yves Jacta10-Feb-2013 20:31
Photo pleine de dynamique , bravo! Lumière parfaitement controlée.
Schwarz Noël10-Feb-2013 14:35
Great shot ! It's perhaps : Nadine ?
For this beautiful photo , i give you of course a : - BV -
chrisse10-Feb-2013 10:15
Great ! Perfect time of the evening