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Perlis - [ Indra Kayangan ]

Perlis, the smallest state in Malaysia, lies at the northwestern extremity of the Peninsula Malaysia; its western coastline borders the Straits of Malacca. Bounded by Thailand in the north, and by Kedah to the east and south, it measures approximately 759 and has a population of 175,000. Kangar is the seat of the State Government.

Although small in size, Perlis is not without its attractions, foremost among which is its serene unspoilt beauty, rustic rural scenes and vast padi fields. Even the state capital is bordered by an expanse of verdant padi fields, making the landscape appear like a huge color-field of brilliant green or gold, depending on the season.

Bukit Chabang
Bukit Chabang
Guar Jentik
Guar Jentik
Kaki Bukit
Kaki Bukit
Padang Besar
Padang Besar
Sungai Batu Pahat
Sungai Batu Pahat
Wang Kelian
Wang Kelian
Tanjung Gelam Village
Tanjung Gelam Village
Tasik Melati
Tasik Melati