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Family trip to U.K. - August 2001
:: Family trip to U.K. - August 2001 ::
Weekend Fun - August 11 & 12, 2001
:: Weekend Fun - August 11 & 12, 2001 ::
Day with the Grimmett's
:: Day with the Grimmett's ::
Alyson starts 1st Grade
:: Alyson starts 1st Grade ::
:: Wolfgang ::
Aly's 7th birthday party
:: Aly's 7th birthday party ::
Thanksgiving 2001
:: Thanksgiving 2001 ::
Atlanta - March 15, 2002
:: Atlanta - March 15, 2002 ::
:: party4jacky ::
Opening Day 2002 at The Ballpark in Arlington
:: Opening Day 2002 at The Ballpark in Arlington ::
Dallas in black and white
:: Dallas in black and white ::
:: sanantonio ::
:: bahamas2002 ::
San Francisco and Napa Valley, California
:: San Francisco and Napa Valley, California ::
Easter 2003
:: Easter 2003 ::
Caitlyn & Haylee's Graduation
:: Caitlyn & Haylee's Graduation ::
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