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Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大 | profile | all galleries >> 受盡磨難的靈魂 / Suffering Soul (Please deliberate the probably bloody content prior to borwsing!) >> 疤面 / Scarface tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

疤面 / Scarface

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餵食的流浪狗中,除了固定幾隻熟面孔外,常會出現一些偶遇的新面孔。It's a same old story:所謂新面孔,在固定的棲息地待下待久了,一陣時日後自然就成為我餵食狗群裡的熟面孔。但更多的情況卻是:在還沒來得及認識牠們、記住牠們時,牠們仍繼續踏上流浪之旅。而∼我也只能把握每回可能是唯一的相遇機會,先飽以美食,然後猛按快門用影像將牠們紀錄下來。











Some new faces will appear occasionally except the familiar faces when I feed the stray dogs. These new faces will become familiar after they stay a place for a long time. But more cases are:they continue their odyssey before I know and remember them. Accordingly, it may be the only chance to meet them by feeding then taking pictures to record them.

The 99 percents of those discs on my shelf are images of recording dogs. Each creature has become to the file name of these picture discs. They can be summoned on the screen of computer by a form of image only.

Although these creatures are tenacious, there are more dangers waiting for them. It is usually an unfeasible prospect to adequate food. Meanwhile, they must be vigilant to keep hurt from people:ulcer of wound by twisting rubber band on their necks, sulphuric acid sprinkling, toxic pills feed, strike by clubs, torment by men’s feet, and hit from flying stones;accidents:death or disability by car incidents, leg-break by trap;illness or maladies. Those images in my discs are the last records under those tortures.

I have no power to change the ferocious circumstance. All I can do is limited but I take this work as my duty. If you are a dog fancier, you must agree that a person hardly ignores their existing when he or she is moved with dogs. Especially when you stare at your doggy, you almost feel its pure soul from the bottom of its eyes.

It began at the last year to meet Scarface. It was my routine job to feed those stray after work. Those familiar dogs rushed out from everywhere and concentrated around my sedan. They seemed to discuss what I brought for them one another. Maybe they had lose defend to me. Some dogs were bold to crawl on the back seat to browse:“ Dry dog-food today or another meat cans adding.”

I found a lonely dog behind my car then. When I stared at it closely, he tried to escape to the bottom of car nervously. This response from a stray was ordinary. I took some food toward him and shocked by its face, a “scarface” I named. Although the wounds on its face had recovered, it suffered a lot at its face definitely. Observing the scar on its nose and mouth, an iron wire or a cord was ever twisted tightly on its face maliciously and the inflammation and ulcer occurred latter. Now the scars were marks after recover. Nevertheless, it had gone through the ordeal!

When I tickled Scarface, it even intoxicated by playing with me. The character of dog was so contradicted. The belief of loyal whole-heartedly to humans was deeply burying in their nature. Although Scarface encountered the malicious ferocity from somebody, it seemed not to give up the trust and memory for humans. Facing this scene made me a little cry. I just cheated myself that was an allergy by exhaust fumes from swiftly moving cars.

What could I do to solace him? Warned him not to trust persons forever? Or asked him not to quit hope for people and someday found a master who loved him? These ideals were stupid. In fact the only thing I could do was to touch him, to feed him something, and to let him be full dignifiedly that was at least one dinner without scraps but fresh food during its stray life.

Some bark noise interrupted me because other familiar faces were jealous of Scarface. One of them, Whity, rushed to expel Scarface. I was embarrassed in this scene. Because the stray usually became a cluster of dogs, the exclusiveness existed in this special group to other new comer. Accordingly, rank in this group could be decided by fights between them:a new comer had to leave if it failed; otherwise, the group accept it as one member.

I observed Scarface again when he was eating. It seemed to be healthy. Furs were clean and there was no skin disease. It looked like an abandoned dog from somebody’s family recently. Abandonment for him might be a release and good luck. Scarface soon left after eating. This should be to escape attack and expulsion from other dogs that had occupied this area.

It ought to the last glance at Scarface by my experience after it left. During its eating, I said some “human words” to it:”You should accommodate the straying life quickly.”, “Don’t trust humans much.”, and “Be careful when passing the road.”. Of course I knew this guy could not realize my words. But I said these was to alleviate my parting sorrow and worry to it.

Talking with a dog looks crazy and bored for other spectators. However, I usually prospect there is a communication way between humans and animals. Then I can crouch down straightforwardly on the road to remind my stray canines in lives without susceptible _expression of eyes from people.

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