Boogier Chen/豬生狗養貓帶大 | profile | all galleries >> 【Stray Dogs In Taiwan】 >> 台136號縣道山路沿線流浪狗 / Stray dogs along Highway No.136 >> 【136 縣道山路沿線流浪狗】 | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
Many abandoned pets are discarded into this mountain area along the Highway No.136 .Those images recored in my albums are stray dogs taken along the Highway No.136. There is almost no food and water in mountains,so I usually drive 50
kilometers of a round trip to feed these dogs every week.
We took some female among canines to the veterinarians for ligation and
released after the TNR (Trap-Neute-Release)handling. |
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PauloCGama | 20-Oct-2011 18:52 | |
Birte Person | 03-Dec-2007 05:54 | |
mathilda williams | 24-Nov-2007 04:22 | |
Rich Jeffrey | 23-Sep-2007 13:50 | |