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Dagupan City High School Reunion San Diego

This is just a small representation of pictures taken during the reunion on July 6-8, 2007, and now October 11-12, 2013. No pictures were shot on the night of July 6 as we were all happily busy eating, dancing and SINGING at the palatial house of Lee & Manny Doria. It was sad to have missed the invitation of Rufino & Arlene Terrado for a get-together on July 7 or 8 at their mansion. For members of Batch '63 who did not come, YOU MISSED A LOT! When is our next WCES & DCNHS Get-Together? Visit Rudy Vidal to see all your DCNHS friends from Class 1949 to 1986.
g9/43/389743/3/159124356.C2t3HX3D.jpg We Are Back!
We Are Back!
Virgie, Pinn & Julie
Virgie, Pinn & Julie
50 Years!
50 Years!
Del With Mar
Del With Mar
Class Of 1950!
Class Of 1950!
The Picnic
The Picnic
Class '63 & Families
Class '63 & Families
Cousin Lita and d'Arceo Sisters-Olive, Girlie & Laura
Cousin Lita and d'Arceo Sisters-Olive, Girlie & Laura
Shake it for '63 Delfin
Shake it for '63 Delfin
The Ladies of  '59 Benny Costes
The Ladies of '59 Benny Costes
Our former Math Teacher, Mr. Calimlim
Our former Math Teacher, Mr. Calimlim
'63 Dancer Johnny & wife Alice
'63 Dancer Johnny & wife Alice
Class of 1963
Class of 1963
d'Gervacio Sisters - # 2, 3 & 10
d'Gervacio Sisters - # 2, 3 & 10
On Stage
On Stage
Our Table...Where is Verl?
Our Table...Where is Verl?
The Pride of '63
The Pride of '63
Mr. Alumnus Johnny('63) & Miss Alumnae ('70)
Mr. Alumnus Johnny('63) & Miss Alumnae ('70)
The Royal Dance
The Royal Dance
The Entrance of '63
The Entrance of '63
Batch '63 on Parade
Batch '63 on Parade
The HAPPY  '63!
The HAPPY '63!
WOW...Nice Leg!
WOW...Nice Leg!
Verl Minnie.jpg
Verl Minnie.jpg
Philippine Tango.jpg
Philippine Tango.jpg
DCNHS '63 in 2003 in the Philippines
DCNHS '63 in 2003 in the Philippines