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Jim's Visions | all galleries >> Galleries >> Moving Around > Depoe Bay, Oregon
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Depoe Bay, Oregon

Photo by Josefina

Home of the smallest harbor in the world!

Nikon Coolpix S60
1/57s f/4.0 at 7.4mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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joseantonio03-Jan-2012 17:55
Beautiful place to sit and enjoy the view
Long Bach Nguyen03-Jan-2012 16:36
I love Depoe Bay, nice image of the rough sea which is typical of the area. Love the dog in the corner.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad03-Jan-2012 14:31
I love that dog in the corner of the shot. V
Stephanie03-Jan-2012 11:58
Looks like a rough sea!
Happy New Year Jim & Josefina! :)
Guest 03-Jan-2012 08:39
Hi all-...looks familier ...just like most of western Oregon lately. Don't recognize the dog, though. Take care; Lee
rousselziak03-Jan-2012 06:43
Fantastic shot ! -V-
PauloCGama03-Jan-2012 02:14
Josefina, m,y sincere compliments, a great shot for sure!!
I wish you and my good friend Jim a wonderful 2012 plenty of just wonderful things!!