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Jan Erik Johnsen | profile | all galleries >> Solomon Islands 2012 >> Munda tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Roviana Lagoon
Roviana Lagoon
Rendova in the distance. Roviana Lagoon
Rendova in the distance. Roviana Lagoon
Roviana Lagoon
Roviana Lagoon
The bottle shop in Munda
The bottle shop in Munda
Hmmm - What have we here?...
Hmmm - What have we here?...
Voila! - and still ice cold:-)
Voila! - and still ice cold:-)
Værstasjonen Munda
Værstasjonen Munda
Ww2 is still an issue in the Solomons
Ww2 is still an issue in the Solomons
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
The Peter Joseph Ww2 Museum
Barney Paulsen whos grandfather was a norwegian trader...
Barney Paulsen whos grandfather was a norwegian trader...
Sally at the American Dump
Sally at the "American Dump"
Sally at the American Dump
Sally at the "American Dump"
No garden is complete without an AA-gun!
No garden is complete without an AA-gun!
Sally who works an Tetepare but lives in Munda
Sally who works an Tetepare but lives in Munda
Finn èn feil!
Finn èn feil!
Cleaning up in my backpacks
Cleaning up in my backpacks
Solomon Airlines PNG Dash 8
Solomon Airlines PNG Dash 8