These thumbnail images have been altered, when necessary, for clarity. When an order is made, the photo will be edited, sized, cropped, and optimized for the best print quality, then sent to a professional printing lab.
Local orders can be delivered in person. All other orders under $60.00 will have a $7.50 shipping and handling charge. Orders over $60.00 would have a $15 shipping charge. Shipped orders will be sent via U.S. Priority Mail. Local orders can be paid via money order, personal check or cash. All other orders can be paid via money order or personal check. Payments made by personal check must clear before the order is shipped. Payments made by money order will be shipped as soon as the prints are completed.
Orders can be placed by email: or by phone: 330-718-5912. Contacts by email will receive an order confirmation reply, along with a total order price and where to send payment. Each order will need the following information: Event name and date, image numbers, print sizes and quantity. Non-local orders will also need shipping address.