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bobw66 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Francisco tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

San Francisco

These pictures were taken In and around San Francisco in early Dec. 2005 during a 3 day stop-over on the way home from our holiday in New Zealand.

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054 Christmas decorations.jpg
054 Christmas decorations.jpg
140 SF skyscrapers.jpg
140 SF skyscrapers.jpg
081 SF skyscrapers.jpg
081 SF skyscrapers.jpg
076L SF skyscraper.jpg
076L SF skyscraper.jpg
132 Decorated cable car.jpg
132 Decorated cable car.jpg
142 Cable car.jpg
142 Cable car.jpg
149 Ferry Building.jpg
149 Ferry Building.jpg
151 Embarcadero.jpg
151 Embarcadero.jpg
158 Historic tram.jpg
158 Historic tram.jpg
213 Historic tram.jpg
213 Historic tram.jpg
214 Historic tram.jpg
214 Historic tram.jpg
159 Coit Tower.jpg
159 Coit Tower.jpg
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