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Bob Townsend | profile | all galleries >> subroot >> Oddities tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map


Oddball pictures that defy categorizing.
Well, I am glad they cleared that one up.
Well, I am glad they cleared that one up.
Pretty shoes
Pretty shoes
I van to bite sum catnip.
I van to bite sum catnip.
Kids, just say NO to drugs.
Kids, just say "NO" to drugs.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Martinsville red hots. I love them but >>>>
Martinsville red hots. I love them but >>>>
>>>>> they don't like me.
>>>>> they don't like me.
Reflections in an elevator
Reflections in an elevator
Vegas on acid, man.
Vegas on acid, man.
I didn't go in there.
I didn't go in there.
Another camera phone picture that I messed with unmercifully.
Another camera phone picture that I messed with unmercifully.
Occasionally something half decent comes out of these things.
Occasionally something half decent comes out of these things.
Always wanted to use that page curl feature.
Always wanted to use that page curl feature.
Iwo Jima in Legos
Iwo Jima in Legos