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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Sparrows of Centre County, PA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sparrows of Centre County, PA

Here presented are various sparrow that can be seen in Centre County, PA, during migration and species that breed in PA.
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Song Sparrow and fledgling
Song Sparrow and fledgling
Song Sparrow and fledgling
Song Sparrow and fledgling
Fox Sparrow; spring and fall migrant
Fox Sparrow; spring and fall migrant
Chipping Sparrow, adult
Chipping Sparrow, adult
Chipping Sparrow and fledgling
Chipping Sparrow and fledgling
Chipping Sparrow; first year bird
Chipping Sparrow; first year bird
American Tree Sparrow; fall and winter bird
American Tree Sparrow; fall and winter bird
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow in habitat
Swamp Sparrow in habitat
Swamp Sparrow; breeding bird
Swamp Sparrow; breeding bird
Swamp Sparrow II 0665.jpg
Swamp Sparrow II 0665.jpg
another swamp sparrow
another swamp sparrow
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