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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pine Siskins at my backyard feeding stations Feb 2015 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pine Siskins at my backyard feeding stations Feb 2015

Centre County birders who put out seed to attract winter birds, have Pine Siskins and American Goldfinches in large numbers this winter. I have photographed some of the 100+ siskins that have come to my feeders and so post a few of those images here for your enjoyment.
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Pine Siskins have come to Pennsylvania
Pine Siskins have come to Pennsylvania
The yellow wingbar is a field mark
The yellow wingbar is a field mark
Pine Siskin Portrait I
Pine Siskin Portrait I
Pine Siskin on winterberry holly
Pine Siskin on winterberry holly
Pine Siskin eating winterberry holly berry
Pine Siskin eating winterberry holly berry
These birds are fairly tame around feeding stations
These birds are fairly tame around feeding stations
Pine Siskin on branch
Pine Siskin on branch
Two Pine Siskins at heated water source
Two Pine Siskins at heated water source
3 Pine Siskins squabbling over water rights
3 Pine Siskins squabbling over water rights
View of Pine Siskin through plate glass
View of Pine Siskin through plate glass
Pine Siskin eating crushed peanuts
Pine Siskin eating crushed peanuts
Pine Siskins alsoeat black oil sunflower seeds
Pine Siskins alsoeat black oil sunflower seeds
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