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First photos with Olympus 300mm f4 Pro lens

Here are my first photos with a new Olympus 300mm f4 Pro lens (effective 600mm) and the EM-1 Mk II camera.
Today the light was a little better and I found some subjects in two birding areas that were sheltered from the cold and gusting west wind.
The first 5 images are from today: 3/9/10, and were made at ISO 320. The two images of the Mallards are of the greater size and cropped the least, as the birds were closer and are of course larger than the mergansers and the grebe.
The other 7 images were shot on March 6, mostly at ISO 1600. All images are cropped. All images were made hand-held, camera set on aperture-preferred mode, with pattern metering. Appropriate exposure compensation was used for the lighting conditions encountered.

Horned Grebe P3090020.jpg
Horned Grebe P3090020.jpg
Horned Grebe P3090036.jpg
Horned Grebe P3090036.jpg
Mallard Pair on pond
Mallard Pair on pond
mallards on Bullit Run P3090136.jpg
mallards on Bullit Run P3090136.jpg
3 Hooded Mergansers Bullit Run P3090142.jpg
3 Hooded Mergansers Bullit Run P3090142.jpg
American Goldfinch
American Goldfinch
Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-bellied Woodpecker, female
Red-bellied Woodpecker, female
Song Sparrow I
Song Sparrow I
Song Sparrow II
Song Sparrow II
Common Grackle
Common Grackle
White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow