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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mystery Moth or Butterfly? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mystery Moth or Butterfly?

I found this little moth or butterfly on Thin-leaved Coneflower (Rudbeckia triloba) in my backyard last weekend (8/09/08). It is a tiny flier: about 3/8" long. It has a bristly face as you can see.
Don't think it has clubbed antennae (therefore a moth?). Can any entomologists out there give me some help in identifying this insect?

Camera: Nikon D200 (ISO 500), lens: Tamron 180mm f3.5 macro lens, Nikon SB-28 flash set to Manual mode, power level approximately 1/8th.
Unknown moth 8794.jpg
Unknown moth 8794.jpg
unknown moth.jpg
unknown moth.jpg
Vibrates wings briefly when still.
Vibrates wings briefly when still.