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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 17-year Cicada exiting its exoskeleton and inflating its wings. tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

17-year Cicada exiting its exoskeleton and inflating its wings.

This series of images shows a 17-year (periodical) cicada molting from its exoskeleton and emerging as an adult, and inflating its wings. Images were made on June 1, 2008. Equipment: Nikon D200 DSLR, Tamron 180mm f3.5 macro lens, hand-held on a Nikon SC-17 TTL cord, camera fired using a Nikon MC-30 release cord, tripod: Manfrotto 3221W equipped with a Manfrotto 390RC2 pan/tilt head.
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The 17-yr 'menace' has returned!
The 17-yr 'menace' has returned!
Perodical or Seventeen-year Cicada
Perodical or Seventeen-year Cicada
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