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Bob Snyder | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Snapshots from the Chiricahua Mountains and SE Arizona tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Snapshots from the Chiricahua Mountains and SE Arizona

Ansel Adams I'm not, but having some fun this evening creating black and white images from color shot in Arizona in 2013; like doing B&W from the Day, without the chemicals and paper. Camera used: Nikon D7000 with the Sigma DC 18-50mm f2.8 EX D lens for landscapes and the Nikon ED AF Nikkor 80-200mm f2.8 D lens for the bird images.
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 Monsoon shower, Sunset
Monsoon shower, Sunset
Fast moving storm
Fast moving storm
Mexican Jay
Mexican Jay
Western Kingbird
Western Kingbird
Loggerhead Shrike
Loggerhead Shrike
Eur Collared-Dove
Eur Collared-Dove
American Avocet Willcox BWs RHS_8513.jpg
American Avocet Willcox BWs RHS_8513.jpg
Wilson's phalarope
Wilson's phalarope
American Avocet
American Avocet
White-faced Ibises
White-faced Ibises
Chiricahua Raven
Chiricahua Raven
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