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Bob Floyd | all galleries >> People >> My Most Readily Available Model > 3/10 - Driving SP
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3/10 - Driving SP

Audelia Rd.

Ok, so some people put on make-up while driving, others eat or drink or talk on the cell phone or play with the radio. I take
photos...what's the big deal? FYI - 84 degrees F here today...figured I would add that in since Lee and Sandy both commented on it.

BTW, the camera is on the tripod and I am using a remote release. Both hands were on the wheel when this was shot. I have to
give credit to Scott Coile for the tripod idea. I doubt I would have come up with that if I had not seen a shot he did from
the passenger seat where he referenced setting up the tripod.

And I still need a haircut.

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Marek Kacprzak30-Mar-2006 03:27
great idea for SP while driving (tripod, that is;) good to "meet" ya!
Gary Winters11-Mar-2006 18:24
The things we learn, and the things we do, for PaD. Good work!
Guest 11-Mar-2006 03:54
It was 75 here today. I tried the SP while in the jeep but it didn't work out because I was trying to order at the window and talk on the cell phone and the dog kept getting in the way. Maybe I should have used a tripod. :-)
Good shot.
Di11-Mar-2006 03:32're not a "true" PaDer unless you've taken an SP while driving! This is great, Bob. Happy haircut!
J. Scott Coile10-Mar-2006 22:33
Safety first ;) OBTW I also attach the camera strap to the seat belt :) Nice one!

PS- I need a haircut too.
laine8210-Mar-2006 21:42
I had a Giottos given to me for my birthday but it had to go back as they camera was on a lean...they were all the same when I tested them out back in the store...bad bad bad !!
Anyway...nice SP Bob.
Scott Browne10-Mar-2006 21:04
Sure, both hands were on the wheel when you took the photo. But what about when you were putting the camera on the tripod, getting the tripod settled, turning on the camera, adjusting all the settings, etc? Hmmmm? ;) Cool shot, though.
David Clunas10-Mar-2006 20:34
Brave shot to take, just trying to figure out how you explain this if you are pulled over by the local sheriff
Guest 10-Mar-2006 20:32
Scott not only has a tripod, He has a Giotto tripod. I want one!

Good sp Bob
Lee Rudd10-Mar-2006 20:12
who needs a tripod :)))) looks nice and warm
s_barbour10-Mar-2006 19:40
Oh very cool SP Bob, looks like you have nice weather there!