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Bob Floyd | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shades of Grey tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Shades of Grey

Black and White is really what got me into Photography and so I thought it about
time to do a gallery for it. Newest photos will be at the back of the gallery.

Dunes I
Dunes I
Dunes II
Dunes II
Sanctuario de Chimayo, B & W
Sanctuario de Chimayo, B & W
1/31 - Boathouse Window
1/31 - Boathouse Window
1/25 - Yesterday's Tool
1/25 - Yesterday's Tool
3x - b&w
3x - b&w
2/1 - Ivy and Fence
2/1 - Ivy and Fence
2/2 - Engarde
2/2 - Engarde
2/4 - Trade Days
2/4 - Trade Days
2/5 - Fire Extinguisher
2/5 - Fire Extinguisher
2/6 - Notes in the Shadows
2/6 - Notes in the Shadows
2/11 - Moon over Restland
2/11 - Moon over Restland
2/23 - Leaky
2/23 - Leaky
2/24 - Minolta Mind SP
2/24 - Minolta Mind SP
2/25 - Soggy
2/25 - Soggy
6/16 - Wired
6/16 - Wired
8/20 - Two Days More
8/20 - Two Days More
10/1 - Favorite Place
10/1 - Favorite Place
Smoke'em If You Got'em
Smoke'em If You Got'em
9/20 - Challenge:  One
9/20 - Challenge: One
1/25 - Challenge:  Heat
1/25 - Challenge: Heat
8/23 - Challenge: Chains
8/23 - Challenge: Chains
11/1 - Challenge:  Light Bulb
11/1 - Challenge: Light Bulb