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D&SNG Railroad

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Round house powerfull WB
Round house powerfull WB
Parked in the round house.
Parked in the round house.
Taking a break
Taking a break
 In the stables
In the stables
Night depot
Night depot
Night shoot
Night shoot
Horse shoe bend on the highline.
Horse shoe bend on the highline.
Twin bridges other side of the bridges.
Twin bridges other side of the bridges.
D&SNGRR Trestle Bridge
D&SNGRR Trestle Bridge
D&SNGRR  fall photo train
D&SNGRR fall photo train
The Needles behind the Train
The Needles behind the Train
East bridge at twin bridges.
East bridge at twin bridges.
D&SNGRR  near Silverton
D&SNGRR near Silverton
Train about to go over Junction Creek
Train about to go over Junction Creek
Train waiting in Silverton.
Train waiting in Silverton.
Crawfords on the train.
Crawfords on the train.
Super Heater Boiler
Super Heater Boiler
Scenic views along the tracks.
Scenic views along the tracks.
Almost to the Tacoma Power Station.
Almost to the Tacoma Power Station.
River crossing over the Animas
River crossing over the Animas
480 going for Silverton
480 going for Silverton
1st Run of the season
1st Run of the season
Other uses for the rail.
Other uses for the rail.
480 returning
480 returning
Engine 480
Engine 480
The Highline.
The Highline.
Engine pulls past.
Engine pulls past.
Coming Through
Coming Through
Getting tight
Getting tight
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