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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Asia >> Tajikistan >> Wakhan Valley - Vrang tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wakhan Valley - Vrang

One of the major historic sites of the Tajik Wakhan Valley, Vrang Stupa
One of the major historic sites of the Tajik Wakhan Valley, Vrang Stupa
A short way up that hill behind the village of Vrang are the remains of an ancient Buddhist Monastery
A short way up that hill behind the village of Vrang are the remains of an ancient Buddhist Monastery
The driver leads the way up to the stupa at Vrang
The driver leads the way up to the stupa at Vrang
Our driver from Pamir Highway Adventures
Our driver from Pamir Highway Adventures
Climbing to the Buddhist Monastery at Vrang, Tajikistan
Climbing to the Buddhist Monastery at Vrang, Tajikistan
The village of Vrang with the Panj River and the mountains of Afghanistan across the Wakhan Valley
The village of Vrang with the Panj River and the mountains of Afghanistan across the Wakhan Valley
The wall to the Buddhist complex with its stupa
The wall to the Buddhist complex with its stupa
Remains of the gate to Vrang
Remains of the gate to Vrang
Information plaques about the Vrang archaeological site
Information plaques about the Vrang archaeological site
The Buddhist stupa is believed to date from the 5th-6th Century
The Buddhist stupa is believed to date from the 5th-6th Century
Cliffs above Vrang
Cliffs above Vrang
Gorge splitting the monastery from another set of caves, Vrang
Gorge splitting the monastery from another set of caves, Vrang
Up to 60 small caves used as monk's cells have been carved into the cliff
Up to 60 small caves used as monk's cells have been carved into the cliff
Some historians believe Vrang may have its origins at a Zoroastrian fire temple
Some historians believe Vrang may have its origins at a Zoroastrian fire temple
Village of Vrang seen from the Buddhist stupa, Wakhan Valley
Village of Vrang seen from the Buddhist stupa, Wakhan Valley
Village of Vrang seen from the Buddhist stupa, Wakhan Valley
Village of Vrang seen from the Buddhist stupa, Wakhan Valley
Remains of the monastery wall protecting the stupa
Remains of the monastery wall protecting the stupa
With more time, there are other trails that look like they might be interesting to explore
With more time, there are other trails that look like they might be interesting to explore
From Google Earth it looks like the trail leads into the upper gorge at Vrang
From Google Earth it looks like the trail leads into the upper gorge at Vrang
Down in the village of Vrang, Tajikistan
Down in the village of Vrang, Tajikistan
Vrang, Tajikistan
Vrang, Tajikistan
Vrang, Tajikistan
Vrang, Tajikistan
The stupa rises like a stepped pyramid above the village of Vrang, Wakhan Valley
The stupa rises like a stepped pyramid above the village of Vrang, Wakhan Valley
Large caves have been cut into the hillside beneath the stupa at Vrang
Large caves have been cut into the hillside beneath the stupa at Vrang
Traveling into the gorge beneath the Vrang Stupa
Traveling into the gorge beneath the Vrang Stupa
The caves appear empty and difficult to access
The caves appear empty and difficult to access
Vrang stupa and Buddhist monastery with the mountains of Afghanistan, Wakhan Valley
Vrang stupa and Buddhist monastery with the mountains of Afghanistan, Wakhan Valley
A small stream has caved out a narrow gorge at Vrang
A small stream has caved out a narrow gorge at Vrang
The gorge at Vrang
The gorge at Vrang
Walkways on either side of the mouth of the gorge at Vrang
Walkways on either side of the mouth of the gorge at Vrang
The stream as it leaves the gorge and enters the village, Vrang, Wakhan Valley
The stream as it leaves the gorge and enters the village, Vrang, Wakhan Valley
The Buddhist Monastery at Vrang with the stupa on top of the hill cut with caves
The Buddhist Monastery at Vrang with the stupa on top of the hill cut with caves
The second set of caves to the west of the stupa across the stream
The second set of caves to the west of the stupa across the stream
The village of Vrang, Tajikistan
The village of Vrang, Tajikistan
Welcome written in English on the hillside at Vrang
"Welcome" written in English on the hillside at Vrang
Sandy section of the Wakhan Valley with the mountains between Eshmareh and Qala Panja, Afghanistan
Sandy section of the Wakhan Valley with the mountains between Eshmareh and Qala Panja, Afghanistan
A military outpost between Eshmareh and Qala Panja, Afghanistan, across the river from Vrang in the Wakhan Valley
A military outpost between Eshmareh and Qala Panja, Afghanistan, across the river from Vrang in the Wakhan Valley
The next village to the west of Vrang Stupa
The next village to the west of Vrang Stupa
Mountains on the Tajikistan side of the Wakhan Valley
Mountains on the Tajikistan side of the Wakhan Valley
The village of Yamg is about 5 km west of Vrang and has two interesting sights
The village of Yamg is about 5 km west of Vrang and has two interesting sights
Observatory in the village of Yamg founded by Sufi Mubarak Qadam (Mubarak-i Wakhani) in the 19th C.
Observatory in the village of Yamg founded by Sufi Mubarak Qadam (Mubarak-i Wakhani) in the 19th C.
Stone instrument, part of the Yamg Observatory, Tajikistan
Stone instrument, part of the Yamg Observatory, Tajikistan
View through the stone to a point on the mountain
View through the stone to a point on the mountain
Historic tablets in English and Tajik about the Yamg Obervatory and the Sufi Mubarak-i Wakhani, Tajikistan
Historic tablets in English and Tajik about the Yamg Obervatory and the Sufi Mubarak-i Wakhani, Tajikistan
History of the Yamg Observatory
History of the Yamg Observatory
The Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum at Yamg, Tajikistan
The Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum at Yamg, Tajikistan
Hindu Kush - Lunkho E Dosare  (6902m/22,644 ft), Afghanistan-Pakistan
Hindu Kush - Lunkho E Dosare (6902m/22,644 ft), Afghanistan-Pakistan
Horns of a March Polo sheep with the Hindu Kush in the background, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg
Horns of a March Polo sheep with the Hindu Kush in the background, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg
Horns of an Ibex with the Hindu Kush in the background, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg
Horns of an Ibex with the Hindu Kush in the background, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg, Tajikistan
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Yamg, Tajikistan
The Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum is housed in a traditional Pamiri house
The Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum is housed in a traditional Pamiri house
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Art on the south facing porch of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Art on the south facing porch of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Book about the Isma'il- Sufi Sage of Pamir, Mubarak-i Wakhani
Book about the Isma'il- Sufi Sage of Pamir, Mubarak-i Wakhani
Pamiri Polular Anthropomorphic Caldendar, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Pamiri Polular Anthropomorphic Caldendar, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Pamiri Polular Anthropomorphic Caldendar detail
Pamiri Polular Anthropomorphic Caldendar detail
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Tajikistan
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Tajikistan
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Tajikistan
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Tajikistan
Nosiri Khusrav
Nosiri Khusrav
Skylight of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, a traditional Pamiri building
Skylight of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, a traditional Pamiri building
Detail of the skylight of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Detail of the skylight of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Detail of the pillars of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Detail of the pillars of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Detail of the pillars of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Detail of the pillars of the Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan
Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum, Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan
Traditional Pamiri stringed musical instrument
Traditional Pamiri stringed musical instrument
This stringed instrument is modeled on the crest of the hoopoe bird
This stringed instrument is modeled on the crest of the hoopoe bird
The hoopoe bird on a book entitled Journey into the Past
The hoopoe bird on a book entitled Journey into the Past
Demonstration of a traditional Pamiri stringed instrument, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Demonstration of a traditional Pamiri stringed instrument, Mubarak-i Wakhani Museum
Traditional Pamiri stringed instrument
Traditional Pamiri stringed instrument
Pamini man's cap
Pamini man's cap
School in the village of Yamg, Wakhan Valley
School in the village of Yamg, Wakhan Valley
Yamg, Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan
Yamg, Wakhan Valley, Tajikistan