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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> Malta >> Valletta >> Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of St. John tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of St. John

Grand Master's Palace 1574
Grand Master's Palace 1574
Neptune's Courtyard, Grand Master's Palace
Neptune's Courtyard, Grand Master's Palace
Neptune, Grand Master's Palace
Neptune, Grand Master's Palace
Grand Master's Palace
Grand Master's Palace
Neptune's Courtyard
Neptune's Courtyard
Neptune's Courtyard
Neptune's Courtyard
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
Grand Master
Grand Master
Tromp l'Oeuil
Tromp l'Oeuil
Grand Master
Grand Master
Tromp l'Oeuil
Tromp l'Oeuil
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
George III of England, State Dining Room
George III of England, State Dining Room
William IV of England, State Dining Room
William IV of England, State Dining Room
Great Siege of 1565
Great Siege of 1565
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Naval Battle
Naval Battle
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
Armoury Corridor, State Apartments
Palace of the Grand Masters
Palace of the Grand Masters
Knights Hospitalers restoring the walls of Jerusalem 1229
Knights Hospitalers restoring the walls of Jerusalem 1229
Jerusalem wall restoration detail
Jerusalem wall restoration detail
Louis XVI of France, Hall of Ambassadors
Louis XVI of France, Hall of Ambassadors
Grand Master
Grand Master
Maltese Cross
Maltese Cross
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Cannon, Grand Master's Palace
Cannon, Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Armoury of the Grand Master's Palace
Sword/Pistol combination
Sword/Pistol combination