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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Europe >> Iceland >> Þingvellir Þjóðgarður (Thingvellir Nat'l Park) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Þingvellir Þjóðgarður (Thingvellir Nat'l Park)

The turnoff for Thingvellir National Park, Iceland
The turnoff for Thingvellir National Park, Iceland
Lush green farmland outside Reykjavik on the road to Thingvellir
Lush green farmland outside Reykjavik on the road to Thingvellir
Icelandic horse grazing in front of a farm along Route 36
Icelandic horse grazing in front of a farm along Route 36
Roy taking a photo
Roy taking a photo
Roy in Iceland
Roy in Iceland
Thingvellirvatn, the lake, in the distance
Thingvellirvatn, the lake, in the distance
Entrance to Thingvellir National Park
Entrance to Thingvellir National Park
Thingvellir area map
Thingvellir area map
Junction of the North American and European plates
Junction of the North American and European plates
Overlooking Thingvellir and the Öxará River
Overlooking Thingvellir and the Öxará River
Þingvallabær, farmhouse built in 1930 for the 1000th anniversary of the Alþingi
Þingvallabær, farmhouse built in 1930 for the 1000th anniversary of the Alþingi
Þingvellir Þjóðgarður, fault line
Þingvellir Þjóðgarður, fault line
Lava (Pahoehoe type) Iceland
Lava (Pahoehoe type) Iceland
The fissure (fault) at Thingvellir National Park
The fissure (fault) at Thingvellir National Park
Þingvellir Þjóðgarður
Þingvellir Þjóðgarður
Roy at Thingvellir
Roy at Thingvellir
Monument at Thingvellir
Monument at Thingvellir
Þingvallakirkja, 1863, on the site of an 11th C. church
Þingvallakirkja, 1863, on the site of an 11th C. church
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Roy in front of Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Lava (Pahoehoe type)
Lava (Pahoehoe type)
Lava (Pahoehoe type) Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Lava (Pahoehoe type) Öxarárfoss, Þingvellir
Öxarárfoss and the river between fault sections, Þingvellir
Öxarárfoss and the river between fault sections, Þingvellir
Upper Öxará River
Upper Öxará River
Drekkingarhylur, site of capital punishment by drowning, Þingvellir National Park
Drekkingarhylur, site of capital punishment by drowning, Þingvellir National Park
Drekkingarhylur, site of capital punishment by drowning, Þingvellir National Park
Drekkingarhylur, site of capital punishment by drowning, Þingvellir National Park
Lögberg - Law Rock, site of the original Althingi
Lögberg - Law Rock, site of the original Althingi
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir
Interior Iceland
Interior Iceland
Route 365 between Þingvellir and Geysir
Route 365 between Þingvellir and Geysir
Interior Iceland - Hrossadalur
Interior Iceland - Hrossadalur
Iceland - Stori Dimon 505m
Iceland - Stori Dimon 505m
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir with Hekla in the distance
Road between Þingvellir and Geysir with Hekla in the distance
Icelandic horses on an interior plain
Icelandic horses on an interior plain
Back side of Stori Dimon (505m)
Back side of Stori Dimon (505m)
Sheep grazing near a stream, Laugervatnsvellir
Sheep grazing near a stream, Laugervatnsvellir
Our rental car for a 2nd visit in 2013
Our rental car for a 2nd visit in 2013
Icelandic license plate
Icelandic license plate
Icelandic Ponies, Laxnes Horse Farm
Icelandic Ponies, Laxnes Horse Farm
Laxnes Horse Farm, Iceland
Laxnes Horse Farm, Iceland
Map of Þingvellir National Park (Þ = TH)
Map of Þingvellir National Park (Þ = TH)
Map of Þingvellir National Park (Þ = TH)
Map of Þingvellir National Park (Þ = TH)
Stone cairns setup by tourists to Thingvellir
Stone cairns setup by tourists to Thingvellir
Stone phallus, Thingvellir
Stone phallus, Thingvellir
Þingvellir National Park visitors center
Þingvellir National Park visitors center
Stone marking the entrance to Þingvellir National Park
Stone marking the entrance to Þingvellir National Park
State flag of Iceland, Þingvellir National Park
State flag of Iceland, Þingvellir National Park
Velkomin til Þingvalla
Velkomin til Þingvalla
Divergent boundary between the European and North American plates
Divergent boundary between the European and North American plates
Cracks in the ground around the fault line running through Thingvellir
Cracks in the ground around the fault line running through Thingvellir
Almannagjá gorge, the edge of the North American tectonic plate, Þingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, the edge of the North American tectonic plate, Þingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Mid-Atlantic Rift the European and North American plates
Mid-Atlantic Rift the European and North American plates
Debbie and Dennis, Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Debbie and Dennis, Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Almannagjá gorge, Thingvellir National Park
Lögberg - Law Rock, Thingvellir National Park
Lögberg - Law Rock, Thingvellir National Park
Thingvellir was the site of the Alþing, Iceland's parliament since 930 AD
Thingvellir was the site of the Alþing, Iceland's parliament since 930 AD
Þingvellir National Park information - Snorrabú∂
Þingvellir National Park information - Snorrabú∂
Greylag Geese, Thingvellir National Park
Greylag Geese, Thingvellir National Park
Greylag Goose Thingvellir National Park
Greylag Goose Thingvellir National Park
Drekkingarhylur, where at least 18 women sentenced to death were drowned from the Middle Ages to 1830
Drekkingarhylur, where at least 18 women sentenced to death were drowned from the Middle Ages to 1830
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
Small waterfall on the River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
Small waterfall on the River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
Debbie walking through Thingvellir National Park
Debbie walking through Thingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss, Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Almannagjá Gorge, Þingvellir National Park
Jumping between the continents of Europe and North America
Jumping between the continents of Europe and North America
Dennis, Thingvellir National Park
Dennis, Thingvellir National Park
Öxarárfoss waterfall
Öxarárfoss waterfall
Branches of the River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
Branches of the River Öxará, Þingvellir National Park
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church, rebuilt in 1859
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church, rebuilt in 1859
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church bell tower added in 1907
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church bell tower added in 1907
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church
Þingvallakirkja - Thingvellir Church
State Flag of Iceland
State Flag of Iceland
Dennis, Thingvellir National Park
Dennis, Thingvellir National Park
The Icelandic letter Þ 4 times in an iron circle
The Icelandic letter Þ 4 times in an iron circle
Icelandic sheep
Icelandic sheep
Road through Thingvellir National Park
Road through Thingvellir National Park
Roadsigns, Þingvellir National Park
Roadsigns, Þingvellir National Park
Information sign, Þingvellir National Park
Information sign, Þingvellir National Park
Tourist map of the central area of Thingvellir National Park
Tourist map of the central area of Thingvellir National Park
Icelandic sheep
Icelandic sheep
Icelandic sheep
Icelandic sheep
Icelandic Pony
Icelandic Pony
Héraðsskólinn Historic Guesthouse, Laugarbraut
Héraðsskólinn Historic Guesthouse, Laugarbraut