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Brian McMorrow | profile | all galleries >> Asia >> China - 中国 >> Tibet - 西藏 (བོད་) >> Shigatse གཞིས་ཀ་རྩེ་ - 日喀則 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Shigatse གཞིས་ཀ་རྩེ་ - 日喀則

Also spelled Ri Ka Ze, Rìkāzé and Xigazê
Shigatse - City
:: Shigatse - City ::
Shigatse Dzong
:: Shigatse Dzong ::
Hills around Shigatse
:: Hills around Shigatse ::
Palace of the Panchen Lama
:: Palace of the Panchen Lama ::
Tashilhunpo Monastery
:: Tashilhunpo Monastery ::
Tashilhunpo Kora Route
:: Tashilhunpo Kora Route ::
:: Nartang ::